Our Story

Why Unbound?

Unbound was created by two people who share a common love for the mountains. We have brought our unique perspectives and vast expertise together to create an enriching, luxurious, and blissful trekking experience

If you are looking to explore a multiday trek in the Himalayas, but are apprehensive about the rigors of camping, then this experience is for you. We make the living, eating and, let’s be honest – the pooping
experience -- so comfortable and stylish you’ll wake up energized, excited, and fresh to take on the next day’s climb

True luxur y in the mountains is having access to the best trekking guides and the happiest crew. Our highly experienced trek leaders also educated in the flora and fauna of the terrain make you climb better and make you fall in love with the mountains.

The Founders

Arohi. A jewellery designer by profession, an athlete by passion, and the most stylish person on a trek, Arohi is responsible for bringing the style, the most delightful food curation and luxury to this experience.

Arohi has been on multi-day treks and rafting expeditions since she was 15 years of age. Her adventure exploits around the world have exposed her to a variety of equipment and technology.

Her taste and attention to detail, elevates the smallest elements of our camping experience from ordinary to exclusive.

Vikrant. He is like the multi-faceted mountains he loves so much - flamboyant and calm, opinionated and quiet, spiritual and silly, sometimes difficult, but always ready for the next hill. Vikrant has been trekking in the Himalayas for the past 30 years.

His belief in the transformational power of trekking as a sport and love for the mountains is infectious. Vikrant is the man behind the operations and will make sure everything is running smoothly.