Cancellation Policy

If it becomes necessary to cancel your booking, you must notify Unbound immediately by email on Cancellation will take effect only after we receive the email from you. The cancellation policy is as follows:

  • Cancellation 45 days before the trip: Payment refund after deduction of INR 50,000 deposit
  • Cancellation 30 days before the trip: refund 50% of trip price
  • Cancellation 15 days before the trip: refund 25% of trip price
  • No Show: 100% of trip price

Please note that the tour/itinerary price is quoted as a package, no partial refunds or credit will be given for services not used.

  • This trip will take place as long as there is the minimum required quorum of 6 travellers.
    In case we have fewer than 6 bookings, we will let you know 45 days before the trip,and will refund your payment in full.
  • In the event of cancellation of the trip due to political unrest UNBOUND is not liable to give refunds.
  • Unbound reserves the right to cancel the trip or any booking for the trip in which case, participants will be given a full refund. However, they will not be entitled to make any further claim for any injury, loss, expenses or damage (either direct or consequential) or for any loss of time or inconvenience which may result from such cancellation (including but not limited to any travel reservations, visa, passport and vaccination charges, or departure, gear purchases, airport and airline taxes). We strongly recommend that you book refundable tickets. We also recommend that you obtain travel insurance upon booking.

Trip Disclaimer


  • It is important to be aware of your fitness before heading for this trip. If suffering from any kind of allergy or ailment, do carry your prescribed medicines to prevent health problems including heatstroke, severe headache, cough, dehydration and hypothermia. Participants suffering from conditions like asthma, bronchitis, blood pressure, migraine, diabetes, retinal issues, etc. should seek their physician’s advice before coming and inform the hosts beforehand.
  • There are no specific factors such as age, sex, or physical condition that cause altitude sickness. Some people get it and some people don't. If
    one has not travelled to high altitudes before, it is recommended that you consult your doctor, especially if you suffer from any heart and
    lung-related issues.
  • We provide adequate human support on the mountains to ensure basic safety of the traveler. The traveler however is responsible for his own
    health and any injuries and has to bear the expenses that may arise in case of medical exigency or emergencies.


  • If there are any unforeseen circumstances including but not limited to bad weather, riots, political unrest, natural or other disasters, nuclear incidents, terrorist activity, etc. and we must cancel or change the trip as a result of these circumstances, we will decide on cancelling the trip / permitting a part refund. This decision is at the sole discretion of Unbound.
  • In keeping with travelling sustainably, please minimize plastic use and ensure you do not litter in natural areas.
  • If for any reason you must leave the trip early, you will not be entitled to a refund. We will not be liable for any expenses incurred to you as a
    result. However, we will try our best to make arrangements for you to return safely.
  • If the behavior of any traveler is likely to cause distress or harm to themselves, our staff or other trip members, we reserve the right to
    terminate their trip at any time. They will have to make their own arrangements for this; we will not be liable for any refund nor expenses
    incurred. We will not entertain any claims arising due to such action.